Our code of conduct
Our Code of Conduct translates the five professional and ethical values expressed by the DASSAULT AVIATION Group into pragmatic and operational terms. Its purpose is to unite the Group's personnel around these principles.
The code of conduct is both a collective commitment and an individual imperative.
It does not substitute for the national and international legislation in force. It is not a contractual document, but an ethical commitment which must be known and applied by all.
It focuses on five key values: customer spirit, human qualities, technological excellence and innovation, economic performance and openess to the world.
Our anti-corruption code
Within the framework of this ethical approach, DFS reaffirms its commitment to a policy of zero tolerance to the facts of corruption and influence peddling.
An anti-corruption code defines and illustrates the different types of behaviour to be prohibited and is incorporated into the company’s rules of procedure.
Customer spirit
The DASSAULT AVIATION Group builds long-standing relationships with customers based on trust and honesty. Satisfying the customer is the priority of all.
This presupposes:
- listening attentively to his/her needs and requirements in order to foster a business relationship which is precise, appropriate, and customized;
- keeping promises made concerning delivery times, cost, quality, performance, specifications, reliability, and confidentiality;
- personalized follow-up to ensure satisfactory performance of the aircraft, and its systems, and our services.
The commercial relations of our employees and agents with customers must be grounded on the principles of integrity, professionalism, and the interest of the Group. Any actions directed at a customer - invitations, entertainment, travel, and gifts - must remain appropriate in nature and within accepted limits, in both amount and frequency.
Respecting the customer also means that the DASSAULT AVIATION Group acts in conformity with the national and international laws which are in force. We will comply scrupulously with the commercial ethics and principles of the OECD convention of 17 December 1997, which has been ratified by France and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, both of which, in particular, prohibit offering or granting any undue benefits, directly or indirectly, to any government employee, in exchange for acting, or refraining to act, in the performance of his duties or mandate, so as to favor the DASSAULT AVIATION Group.
The DASSAULT AVIATION Group also complies with applicable export control rules.
Human qualities
The continued successful growth of the DASSAULT AVIATION Group is based on the quality and commitment of the men and women who make it up. They are its main asset. Accordingly the Group strives to maintain harmonious human relations:
- by favoring professional self-realization, initiative, and creativity;
- by practicing an open and constructive dialogue based on trust, mutual respect, and information about objectives and challenges;
- by encouraging team spirit, which entails solidarity, willingness to help, exchanges of experience, the sharing of knowledge and the transmission of know-how.
The Group is deeply concerned with enforcement of human rights and fair labor practices; it gives special care to the implementation of essential principles such as:
- working in a spirit of truth;
- freedom from discrimination based on national origin, lifestyle, marital status, sex, race, physical handicaps, political or religious beliefs, or union membership;
- respecting the individual and his/her private life;
- maintaining a professional work environment and working conditions;
- the availability of vocational training and the prevention of health and occupational risks.
The Group is deeply concerned with enforcement of human rights and fair labor practices; it gives special care to the implementation of essential principles such as:
The personnel of the DASSAULT AVIATION Group owe the Group undivided loyalty. It is, for example, prohibited to work, without the Group's express permission, for an actual or potential competitor.
Technological excellence and innovation
The technical and technological excellence of the DASSAULT AVIATION Group's aircraft is one of the pillars of its national and international reputation.
This excellence is founded on a constant concern for quality, for anticipating needs, for innovation, creativity, and the development of effective and reliable new products and services.
Throughout its search for new materials and processes, the Group takes the environmental aspects into account. It is committed to actively protect the environment during the whole aircraft lifecycle, right from the design stage.
When conducting research and development, the Group is mindful of the environmental impact of new processes and materials which may be adopted for industrial use.
The Group must always encourage the taste for challenge, favor professional commitment, responsiveness, and the transmission of the experience and knowhow of its engineers, managers, technicians, skilled workers, and employees.
The Group's assets must be preserved - both material assets like buildings and equipment and such intangibles as patents, manufacturing secrets, customer lists and software. Each employee must see to it that there is no illicit or fraudulent use thereof and take all necessary measures to prevent theft, sabotage, espionage, and piracy.
In connection with his/her duties our employees may be required to handle or possess information of a confidential or privileged character concerning our customers or the Group or other information which has a national, international, industrial, or commercial character or other value.
He/she must be prudent, discreet, and honest with such data at all times.
Economic performance
In the context of keen international competition and the globalization of the worldwide economy, the sustained growth of the DASSAULT AVIATION Group requires a rational, flexible and responsive organization, effective operating methods, and a sound financial policy.
Creating value is a prime duty: it ensures the Group's independence and longterm future; it helps enable continuous improvements to our product line and more efficient processes and cost savings.
The Group provides true and accurate information to its shareholders and to the financial markets, in a sustained policy of transparency.
All of the Group's personnel must take care, when in possession of privileged information, concerning the Group's situation or plans, not to use it or disclose it illicitly, particularly when it has not yet been made known to the marketplace.
Economic performance is also relevant to dealings with suppliers. The Group works consistently to promote competition between suppliers.
The selection criteria applied for suppliers are comparative in nature and are based on performance, cost, delivery time, quality, and reliability.
The Group maintains relations of mutual cooperation and fair treatment with its suppliers; these relations are based on reciprocal square dealing and the mutual meeting of commitments.
The Group's employees owe it loyalty. This includes not requesting or accepting gifts or benefits which exceed standard business practice or which might influence the employee’s behavior. Offers of travel, junkets, and participation in non-professional events must be declined.
As a general rule, a conflict between ones own personal or financial interest, whether direct or indirect, and the group’s interests must be avoided.
Openness to the world
As information becomes more global in nature, the DASSAULT AVIATION Group has ,acquired means of communication, internal and external, that favor constructive dialogue, trust, and transparency.
The Group is open to the scientific and academic community and participates in occupational training and professional education, in research and development, and in international exchanges of knowledge, techniques, and know-how.
The Group does care about the impact of its activities on the citizen’s community, as well as the good implementation of fundamental principles of environment protection and respect. It has therefore voluntarily committed itself, since the year 2000, towards the ISO 14001 certification of all its production units.
As a corporate citizen, it maintains the strictest political, religious, and philosophical neutrality; it does not finance political parties, elected officials, or candidates unless such activities fully comply with existing laws.
In the business world, it takes care to act in conformity with laws, regulations, and established practices, in a spirit of integrity, ethics, and professionalism.